Thank you for your booking!
If you need to make an enquiry about your booking please contact us at Tel: 01603 343082 or The remaining amount of your party cost is due at least 7 days prior to your party date. Please either visit us in person at Williams’ Kitchen and Explorers’ Soft Play, or give us a call on the number above to make your payment. & Don’t forget to read the Soft Play Rules below!
Download your free party invites
Hard copies are also available to collect from Williams’ Kitchen

Parents & Guardians MUST
• Remain on the premises at all times.
• Monitor their child to ensure he/she is capable of using the equipment safely.
• Know where their child is at all times and also ensure the child is able to locate them at all times.
• Ensure that there is at least one adult for every 5 children visiting to ensure appropriate level of supervision is maintained.
• Explorers soft play management reserve the right to remove unruly children from the centre and also to refuse admission.
General Rules
• All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Explorers does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children.
• Only children who are under 148cm (4’ 10”) in height may play (approx 11 years old). Children over this height may be allowed to play at the discretion of the supervising staff.
• Children should use the toilet and wash their hands prior to entering the play areas.
• Jewellery and badges should be removed and kept safely by a responsible adult.
• Spectacles should only be worn if used with a retainer and shatter proof lenses. Explorers can not be held responsible for any damage or loss of such articles.
• Please remove shoes before entering the play areas. Socks must be worn at all times.
• Socks should be purchased from Williams Kitchen.
• Play is restricted to 90 minutes during peak times.
• Explorers recommends to parents that children wear long sleeves and trousers. Clothes should be tucked in at all times.
• Clothes with ropes and cords should not be worn in the play areas.
• Please do not play in front of slide exits.
• No sharp objects may be taken into the play areas.
• It is forbidden to climb on the netted walls or the system structure.
• No food, drink or chewing gum should be taken onto the play equipment.
• No food must be consumed in the Explorers soft play room.
• Takeaway coffees and soft drinks can be taken into the room but no food or drink must be taken on the play equipment.
• No crockery or glassware allowed in the soft play room.
• It is forbidden to smoke anywhere on YMCA Norfolk’s Aylsham Road site including Williams’ Kitchen and Explorers Soft Play.
• Children who are feeling unwell are not allowed to enter the play area
• Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Guilty parties may be asked to leave.
• Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behaviour and well being of the child in their care at all times while in the Centre, and must maintain supervision at all times.
• Please report any spillages to a member of staff who will be happy to clean the area.
• Report ALL accidents to a member of staff, to ensure that we can provide any necessary assistance and minimise the potential of re-occurence. These will be logged and are an important part of Explorers ongoing commitment to providing safe play and safety audits.
• All damages to Explorers either accidental or deliberate must be reported to a member of staff.
• Nappy changing should be conducted in toilets located in Williams’ Kitchen.
• Report any behavioural concerns to a member of staff. Don’t attempt to intervene yourself.
• The Soft Play room will be cleaned and disinfected between play sessions. Children must use the antibacterial spray before entering the soft play. Children must not use the Soft play if they have got a temperature or cough etc.